Hydrogen is Now

Hydrogen plays an important role today as a feedstock in industrial processes and refining. As demand for clean energy increases, it is also the leading candidate for liquid fuel applications, including aviation and transport. The opportunity is extraordinary. Assuming a carbon-free, cost-competitive production method, Barclays Research estimates the global hydrogen market could top $1 trillion by 2050.

The Challenge, the Opportunity, and the Solution

Today, most hydrogen is produced from fossil fuels, and the challenge has been to make green hydrogen cost-competitive. It’s not easy—gray hydrogen has enjoyed the benefit of extensive infrastructure due to the mining and transport of natural gas.

Now, two developments are tipping the balance to green hydrogen:

  • Dropping cost of renewable energy

In many locations, wind and solar power is now cheaper than grid energy. This is particularly true near large installations during peak production periods.

  • Ecolectro’s technology

There has already been extraordinary research and development in various technologies that allow for water electrolysis. All of them have substantial drawbacks. Ecolectro’s technology brings us to a point where the promise of truly clean, green hydrogen production can be realized.

Optimal for

How hydrogen is produced

Hydrogen is described by colors depending on two inputs: hydrogen feedstock and energy source. The most common approach is to use fossil fuels as both hydrogen feedstock and energy source. This creates an enormous carbon footprint.

Gray Hydrogen

Made from methane

Blue Hydrogen

Made from methane, but with carbon-capture technology to slightly reduce carbon footprint

Green Hydrogen

Made with renewable energy. The only  byproduct is oxygen.